Just some friction in The Machine

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

My letter to the editor RE:Ed Rosenthal was printed in the local daily paper today.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

I always find it interesting when our "Big Daddy" congresscritters decide they can protect us from ourselves by passing totally ineffectual legislation like today's effort to outlaw credit card payments to online casinos. Sometimes I wish they'd take my Introduction to the Internet class, so I can explain to them how the Internet knows no jurisdictional boundaries. And I hope I'm not the only Sacramentan who noticed the irony of the opening of the closest Nevada style Indian casino yet to the Capitol City on the same day.

Monday, June 09, 2003

So what does The Fed do as the prime rate gets closer to zero? For 50 years we've been told that they control short term rates but not long term rates. An interesting article from the Financial Times Deflation holds unknown perils for the Fed
